The top 3 AMA Overall...
Standings as of 6/16/03 |
250 TOP 3 |
Ricky Carmichael : 244 |
Kevin Wincham : 191 |
Chad Reed : 186 |
125 TOP 3 |
Mike Brown : 188 |
Grant Langston : 173 |
Ryan Hughes : 151 |
LochLomand Second Race Of The Season.(L.L = LochLomand)
L.L was Once again an awsome weekend the track was in the best shape its ever been in and the dirt was looking really good. Here`s how the locals did.
John Campbell - John went 1-1 in the 125 class and he also won the first ever freestyle at lochlomand.
Avery MacDonald - Avery did not have his usual 1-1 weekend instead Jamie Gillis forced Avery to have to go 2-1 but still managed to get the overall.
Jamie Gillis - Jamie went 1-2 in expert and 1-1 in youth. Jamie was the first rider to beat avery this year.
Note: I don`t have any official results yet so if i missed your name witch i probably did email me your story or I well get it up when i get more results.
First Anual LochLomond Mx Race.( Part #1)
Here is how some of the locals did...
John Campbell- In John`s first race he was fourth of the hole shot then moved his way back up to second place... but as John was going to make the pass for 1st place he then ended up at the back of the back with only one lap to go. In John`s second moto he once again was fourth of the holeshot but managed to move up to 3rd where 1st and 2nd were battling...John decided to hang back and let them take each other out... After 1st and 2nd where done battling ,2nd had fell leaving John to take Second place with a healclicker to finish.(lol)
Jamie Gillis- Jamie Gillis`s smooth flowing style managed to move him straight to the top with a holeshot and a win holding of the fast and Agressive Zach Vershurn. Jamie`s Second moto was not so easy, Jamie had a bad holeshot and had to settle with the pace of third. Jamie did one expert moto and managed to get an impressive 4th place.
Zach Vershurn- Zach had a great day going 3-2 in the youth but in the expert class Zach managed a very impressive third place.Zach`s second expert moto was unreal holding of one of the fastest riders in Cape Breton for most of the race but on the last lap Zach could run the pace of Snuffey anymore and settled for third.
Avery MacDonald-The Captin managed a perfect day going 1-1 in all his motos.
Overall the races went well with a croud of 800+ and there was no bad crashes. This write up well continue when I get more results.
The 2004 Kx 250f.
Here is the first four stroke motocross bike made by Kawasaki.

The Season Has Began !
As You all no the weather is starting to let up so we are starting to ride. We had take the ramp out of the Vershurn Ranch and out to the Coxheath Mx Park aka CMP or CBMX. A video of that day and a video well be up soon.
For Now here are some pics.

Attention!... We Are Still Alive!
Hello, Here is the update...I was away from my computer and things like that and there wasn`t really much too say because it was the winter BUT all the snow is gone so I well be updating often now. The First Race this year is a the Fred Ax witch should be really good. Also some of the cbmotocross riders have started riding ...videos and pics from that well be up soon.
Anaheim... Reed And Preston Win.
Anaheim round one was this weekend and it was great racing. Clck on the text to see full story from
Pastrana Interview
Pastrana is you all know Pastrana was out with injurey and other sicknesses.Well he is is back for the 2003 AMA Supercross series. had done an interview with Pastrana , click here to read.
Tony Katrik
Tony has not quit riding , I was talking to him tonight he was just working alot and had no time then he got in a car crash but is all ready for next year.
SX King Retired.
Yes , its true the Supercross king has retired.
To view a tribute click the writing below.
He will be missed. |

Ahahahahah, ok here is the story. Tonight the boys are board so they are driving down the road and the grinch is haveing a good time up on the lawn in front of the rocking horse inn...raping gifts and what not soooo we make the dicision to go get the video camera and get some footage of some stuff. After we got lewis and the camera we saw these two guys not gunna name names(john and jamie) sexually herassing the grinch. A few prank phone calls later here I sit writing this be lovid story on how the grinch got herassed on christmas.Any ways got the videos I am trying to get them on the site but until then check out some really stupid pictures in the Mx Pics section. The New hit movie How The Grinch Got Herassed On Christmas well be coming to a website near you.(capebretonmx that is)
Its Hard To Update In The Winter.
As you all know , winter is here and it SUCKS. Well because of the the fact that know one rides in the winter it is hard to update the site. In the winter most riders are just tricken there bikes out. I am still trying to get some vids on here. I well have the camera around so ill try to get some pics of what ever I can of the riders screwing around or what not. If you have any pics of you riding on yuor computer please send them, Also Be sure to check out the message board , and new poll that is up.
Whats The Deal?
The deal is I have been away from the computer for awhile , iam back know and well be updating the site very often. The mx season is done for the winter but that wont stop us from getting lots of news and updates on this and next season. CBMX(cbmotocross) well be putting some awsome videos up as soon as I get them from creater Matt Dilney and Justin Lewis. I have the schedule for the 2003 season and all the different series. Since I have been away local rider Jamie Gillis broke his foot at the Island Supercross but has since recovered and is riden better than ever. I am now on 125 I raced it only once and it was at the Sydney Sx and I got first overall i have a pic of me on Daniel Maclean`s 199 bike at a mx school in turo its pritty kewl.
Big Changes , ButterBall=Moron
Big changes , today I made a tun of changes to the site i took out all the shit that cloged it up , rider bios well come back as soon i as i get them all in.enjoy!
Justin Butter Ball Kennney~s truck was smached ... i don`t know the full story but here is what i know..... justin mercer let some stoner ride his bike and he never rode a bike before he ended up riding it right into justins truck here is the damage...
Stupid kiD |

U have to blow it up to see all the damage |
Also they are doing rails by putting stunt pegs on there bike ...this is also seen at freestylemtx
Also Coxheath Mx Park has finished the freestyle has huge jumps step ups, doubles,gap tables. here are the pics..........